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Athletic Shoes
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We turn unwanted shoes into opportunity by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use.

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Shoe Insecurity 

Shoe insecurity is a major issue across the globe; Without access to quality footwear, millions of people are left susceptible to diseases and are unable to start initial processes of job searches and educational training.

736 Million People

live on less than $1.90 per day; 385 million are children. Many don’t have the means to buy shoes, leaving them without access to a sustainable job. Children often don’t meet uniform requirements in order to attend school and are at risk of falling behind or unable to receive an education.

42.31 Million


live below the poverty line according to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2020 estimates. When we can help provide a pair of shoes, we’re helping bridge the economic gap. For these families, a new pair of shoes provides dignity and hope.

70 Pounds of Shoes and Clothing

on average are thrown away per person, per year in the United States. That adds up to 21 billion pounds of unnecessary waste added to our landfills. The EPA estimates that only 15% of clothing and footwear in the U.S., is recycled, leaving the remaining 85% in our landfills.

In many developing countries, walking is a primary mode of transportation. Each day millions face the dangers of cuts, fungus, contaminated soil, and insect bites that lead to infection, disease, amputation and death.

Providing safe, sturdy shoes could help end this cycle.

​Shoes4Everyone works with domestic and international non-profits to distribute free shoes to people in need and in times of disaster.





"The attitude of everyday kindness is everyday stuff like a pair of sneakers. Not Frilly. Not Fancy. Just plain and comfortable."

Barbara Johnson

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Give Love by Giving Shoes

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